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The palm rest can be dented a small bit around the touchpad. But one can't fail to recognize the characteristics of a simple plastic construction when carrying, adjusting or opening it. Thanks to its matte and grained surfaces, the R530 is well gripped in the hand. Fingerprints can't settle down anywhere here. We were very pleased with the nice and impervious haptics. That gives a nice visual effect as every small building-block casts a uniform shadow. The pattern on the lid is made up of small and even quadrates. There are however details on the case which make the R530 visually appealing. The drab optics don't try to grab attention with sportive details or high-gloss surfaces. On the palm rests is the one uneven grain texture which has the feel of coarse leather.

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The completely unpainted surfaces have a pleasant matte finish and are for the most part adorned with a haptic pattern.

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We find out in this review which demands it lives up to and what advantages it offers its owner. At 439 Euros, the Samsung R530 Nolan is one of the lowest-priced options when buying a mobile device. The base unit is in fact identical, however, the consumer model before us has a glossy display screen as well as completely different processor-, graphics- and chipset equipment. We know all these characteristics from the, also in 15.6' format. The model number should either be on the back of the tablet or on the power brick. Those who don't need graphics-, Bluetooth- or Core i3-performance for surfing have here an office comrad with excellent ergonomics, fast input devices and a resilient finish starting at 439 Euros. The plastic look with a patterned surface, the reserved and almost unadventurous details and typist-friendly keyboard. The Samsung R530 seems somehow familiar to us.

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